

曾经教过工党内阁部长Lucy Powell和Lisa Nandy的一位前教师表示,她们在公立综合学校接受的教育将有助于她们在政府中的表现。

现年63岁的Wendy Breakell在迪斯伯里的Parrs Wood High School教过这两位“强大而出色”的女性历史课。她对Powell女士和Nandy女士被任命为基尔·斯塔默内阁中记录数字的国有教育部长感到高兴。


“They have that in their psyche, in their hearts. They are humble people, they will see this as really important and the fact there’s been so much publicity, they’ll want to do well even more.

前中学教师Wendy现年63岁,曾教过众议院领袖Lucy Powell和文化部长Lisa Nandy,她们都曾就读于曼彻斯特的Parrs Wood High School。

William Zhao

William Zhao is a seasoned correspondent known for his analytical pieces on UK-China relations. His expertise in international politics makes him a trusted voice among readers interested in geopolitical dynamics.

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